As of this writing, we have 34 flood relief kits in the gathering area ready to be shipped south for hurricane relief. In addition, you have contributed nearly $3,000 to UMCOR through St. Paul’s. That does not include those of you have given directly from UMCOR.org. I think you’ve heard the call to respond! Thank you for your generosity! We plan to take the kits to Topeka before Sunday and another load on Monday or Tuesday, so if you have prepared a bucket or would like to, please do. Cash donations are also more than welcome, as you know that there is another hurricane on the way.
I’ve also enjoyed watching all the different people staffing the youth garage sale going on Thursday and Friday. Proceeds go to youth missions, and every friendly face is a witness to God’s love for every person who walks through the doors. This is St. Paul’s at its best. I appreciate each one of you for the contributions you make to the Kingdom!