Rev. David Livingston

Advent officially begins this Sunday, and I’m ready! I’m ready because our focus in Advent will be peace and Jesus as the Prince of Peace. It feels like the world could use some more of that. In fact, this Sunday we’re going to talk about the paradox of Jesus being the Prince of Peace in a world that is not peaceful. I think it will be a meaningful month.

There are two special pieces coming this week that I want to make sure you don’t miss. This Sunday Rev. Dr. Mark Holland will be sharing with us about the One Church Plan. This is a plan I have endorsed to help foster peace between different divisions within our own denomination. Mark will be downstairs both at 9:30 and 11:00. Then on Tuesday evening we’ll have a special experience called Finding Your Peace. Prepared by Pastor Sandra with the help of some other St. Paul’s folks, this will be a prayerful, peaceful, music and scripture infused experienced. You’ll take a journal home with you, too, that you can use during Advent for continued reflection.

You can read more about both of these opportunities and more that is happening at St. Paul’s in this week’s newsletter. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
