I’m very excited about the plans that are underway for Children’s Ministry here at St. Paul’s! In less than two weeks we’ll welcome Jamie Turk as our new Director of Children and Family Ministries. I can’t wait for you to meet her. I know you’ll appreciate her warmth and dedication…and her sense of humor.
When she arrives, we’ll be implementing many of the recommendations from our Children’s Ministries Revisioning Team. Our Sunday morning offerings will look a little different, both for our children and for parents. We want to make it a priority for parents to get to know other parents and for our kids to get to know each other. We want to strengthen relationships and deepen connections to our faith! Stay tuned for more details in upcoming newsletters AND in your mailbox!
It’s important to note that Children’s Ministry is not just of interest to parents of children. This ministry belongs to all of us. We all are responsible for sharing with our children the rich stories of our faith that comfort us, challenge us, and give us direction our whole lives. As a good friend of mine says, “The Christian Church is always just one generation away from extinction.” Think about that. If we, as a congregation, don’t make it our responsibility to raise our children in the tenets of our faith…who will?
I invite you to pray with me during the month of August. Pray for Jamie as she begins her new role.
Pray for our children and their parents that we will be able to help them build a solid foundation and a faithful home.
And pray for yourself. Pray for direction about how you will be part of Children’s Ministry at St. Paul’s UMC.
God has blessed us richly! Let us share those blessings every day.