Selah. If you read the Psalms, you might run into this word. It turns up there over 70 times. It is a Hebrew word, and while the exact meaning is unknown, it is thought to be a musical term that means to pause. Or reflect.
I am not a musician. But I believe the term is valid for strengthening our spiritual lives as well. It is essential to take time to intentionally pause and reflect on how you are living with and loving God…and how you are practicing that love in the world.
As I shared with you earlier this Spring, United Methodist Clergy are encouraged to take time away from the local church and spend some time intentionally engaging in practices that will enhance our own spiritual growth. To that end, I am engaging on a journey of exploration and reflection. The time is designed so I will be able to explore the connection between art and spirituality: taking me to several art museums in the country; studying the foundational writings of some Christian mystics; and even allow me to walk a labyrinth in San Francisco. I am very excited about this opportunity.
My journey begins April 24 and will conclude July 11. I am very grateful both to Senior Pastor David Livingston and to the Staff Parish Relations Committee for their support and encouragement to make this happen. And I would be grateful for your prayers during this time: prayers for a meaningful time of growth and renewal for me so I can come back with a renewed sense of purpose and call to engage our life of ministry together.