Rev. Sandra Cox

It seems like just a few weeks ago we were getting ready for Vacation Bible School (Oh wait. We were!) but now it’s time for our children to get ready to go back to school! And here at St. Paul’s UMC we are getting ready for a new year of ministry and programing to begin!

We’ll start by welcoming our new Director of Children’s Ministries, Dia Montgomery. Dia’s first Sunday with us will be August 7 and everyone is invited to come downstairs to the Bridge (the hallway on the lower level nearest the parking lot) for a reception to welcome Dia. All morning long we’ll be offering muffins and juice and the chance to get acquainted with St. Paul’s newest staff member.

The following Sunday, August 14, EVERYONE is invited to bring with you the bag you’ll use this schoolyear; may it be a backpack, briefcase, computer case, book-bag, diaper bag or tote bag. Whatever you use to carry the tools you use to work or learn, bring it with you and we will offer a blessing over that bag at all three services. Traditionally known as a Blessing of the Backpacks, let it be a way you dedicate this new year and carry with you a blessing.

We are also assembling teams to be teaching our children’s and youth classes on Sunday mornings. We will need 64 volunteers to be teachers and helpers for our children’s classes at 9:30 and 11:00! Sound daunting?

Dia says, “All you need is a big heart! Our materials and flexible schedule make it easy for anyone to teach! We also need classroom helpers to be an extra set of hands to help with little things like reading stories, trips to the bathroom, cutting, gluing, etc. You can do that!”

If you are interested in helping to shape the life of a child or youth, please contact Dia Montgomery.

It is a great way to serve God and your church.

I can’t wait for you to meet Dia and see why we are so excited that she is joining our staff.

Pastor Sandra