Praying in Place
Prayer is a powerful way to find our connection to each other and, most especially, to God. If you weren’t able to participate in our recent prayer vigil, the posts are still on our Facebook page so you can still participate.
Let’s keep praying together! You’re invited to consider incorporating prayer into some of your daily routines.
Pray while you walk
If your daily routine includes a walk that takes you by a school, take a moment to walk the parking lot and while you do, pray for:
- students who are learning from home but separated from their classmates and friends
- teachers who are adapting to teaching their classrooms online
- parents who are helping their children with online lessons
- all the smiles, giggles, high-fives, and sharing that can’t happen in person right now
If your walk takes you through your neighborhood, pray for:
- people who live in the houses you pass, for their health and their well-being
- employees who are now working from home and balancing work and family demands
- seniors and the elderly who are isolated from family
- postal and delivery service providers
Pray while you drive
If your daily routine includes driving to the grocery store or another essential service, take a moment to notice the businesses you drive past. If you can, pull into the parking lot and pray from your car. In the parking lot of:
- a hospital or medical facility, pray for the health care professionals and their patients
- a small business that has closed, like a personal service provider or restaurant, pray for all the employees who have been furloughed or have lost their employment
- a grocery store, pray for the safety of those who work there and all who shop there
- restaurants that have shifted to pick-up or delivery, pray for their customers and employees
You get the idea. Wherever you are, it is an opportunity to try to see the world the way God sees it. To love what God loves and to offer yourself as an instrument of care and hope in the world.
Let’s pray together, St. Paul’s!
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