Last Sunday I shared with you that through all the transitions we have experienced, I am excited for St. Paul’s. You’ll begin to see why soon. This Sunday our youth will lead worship and share about their experiences serving on mission trips this summer. It is always one of the most inspirational Sundays for me each year. Our children remind us of why what we do and give in the church matters so much. This church shapes our future.
In less than 20 days we will welcome our newest staff member, Jamie Turk, and her family. Jamie will be working with our children in a newly redesigned program. Parents – watch your mail for more details in the next few weeks. Jamie brings some great experience and a gracious heart with her to this work. We could not be any happier for our kids!
Also in about one month you’ll see some new small group opportunities based around life-stages. These short-term groups (unless you decide to make them long-term) will start in September and help us connect with each other at deeper levels.
I’m also excited because all of the things that we do – the new groups and ministries above, the new strategic planning team, the continuing mission work – deliberately feed into our mission of Loving God and all others unconditionally, Seeking answers to our questions, and Serving God by serving others. We’re going to keep focusing on that. Some of the details of how it works will change but our mission, our purpose for being here, is clear. Thank you all for being part of it!