Our Sermon Series is exploring our mission to “Love God and all others unconditionally.” In preparation for this week, we are reading Luke 11:1-4 to better understand prayer as a foundation for faithful living.
Find the daily readings below along with questions for reflection. Join (or begin!) the discussion in the comments. We’d love to hear from you about how reading the Bible daily is bringing you closer to God and one another.
You also may be interested in joining a small group that focuses on exploring the scripture for the following Sunday’s sermon or learning how to approach Bible study in general – or a variety of other opportunities to “seek answers to our questions” as part of a group. Check it out here!
Read: Luke 11:1-4
Reflect: What questions do you have after reading this passage?
Respond: Comment below to share your response to reading and reflecting on these passages.
Read: Luke 11:1
1 He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”
Reflect: Good teachers teach by example. Who has shown you the power of prayer?
Respond: Comment below to share your response to reading and reflecting on these passages.
Read: Luke 11:2a
2 He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Reflect: How do you honor God’s name?
Respond: Comment below to share your response to reading and reflecting on these passages.
Read: Luke 11:3
3 Give us each day our daily bread.
Reflect: How does God nourish you every day?
Respond: Comment below to share your response to reading and reflecting on these passages.
Read: Luke 11:4a
4a And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us.
Reflect: How have you experienced forgiveness?
Respond: Comment below to share your response to reading and reflecting on these passages.
Read: Luke 11:4b
4b And do not bring us to the time of trial.”
Reflect: How do you feel God’s presence in trying times?
Respond: Comment below to share your response to reading and reflecting on these passages.
Read: Luke 11:1-4
Reflect: How will this message influence what you do this week?
Respond: Comment below to share your response to reading and reflecting on these passages.
Participate: Join us for online worship at 10am on Facebook Live!
Only through prayer and self reflection have I been able to forgive. I am so grateful to God for the peace that comes after forgiving someone and the grace from Him when someone forgives me.
Oct 10
I don’t know what I would do without God during troubled times. He gives me strength and patience and most importantly peace. The biggest challenge for me during troubled times Is to be still and immediately ask for God’s help not only for the situation but for the way that I respond to it.