Sharing Daily Bread


Lent: Daily Bread

Lent is here! These 40 days lead up to our remembering the death and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.

It’s been the Lentiest Lent of all Lents for about a year now, so we are going a different way this season. We are going to find the delicious in the midst of the dark. We are going to focus on the bread stories in the gospels and remember how God fills what is empty.

  • Find a recipe, scripture, and conversation topic each week 👇🏼
  • BAKE!!! and pray and eat and have a conversation and
  • Share your photos with us by tagging #stpaulsdailybread. If you’re not into social media, no worries, you can refer to this page for recipes and email your photos to us.

Week Seven: April 4-10, 2021

Week Six: March 28-April 3, 2021

Week Five: March 21-27, 2021

Week Four: March 14-20, 2021

Week Three: March 7-13, 2021

Week Two: February 28 – March 6, 2021

Week One: February 21-27, 2021