State Legislative Advocacy Ministry

Many of you all have been a part of countless antiracism and social justice studies, lectures, and conversations. Others of you serve on boards, give food donations, and give generously financially to make a difference. We have continued to discern that an ongoing focus of the practice of justice is our next faithful step here at St. Paul’s. This means getting to the root of the powers that contribute to inequity. God calls us to bring good news to the poor and to liberate the oppressed. We are going to answer this call through advocacy around policy change in the Kansas state legislature.

Faith Voices for Medicaid Expansion
Faith Voices for Medicaid Expansion’s mission is to “join with others across the state to inform individuals and faith communities about the vital health and economic benefits of expanded Medicaid. We will promote the well being and health care delivery system of all Kansans by advocating the passage of Medicaid Expansion in the Kansas Legislature.” Visit the Faith Voices for Medicaid Expansion Facebook page to learn more.

Here’s an introduction to a couple of the partners we have in this work:

Alliance for a Healthy Kansas
The Alliance for a Healthy Kansas is a statewide coalition working throughout Kansas, encouraging people and organizations to promote policies that ensure everyone has the opportunity to attain their highest level of health. Their membership is wide-ranging and includes business leaders, doctors and hospitals, social service and safety-net organizations, faith communities, chambers of commerce, advocates for health care consumers, and many more. They believe by unifying our voices we won’t be ignored. Check out their video for a look at some of the work the Alliance is doing; you can also find more on their website and Facebook page.

Kansas Interfaith Action
Kansas Interfaith Action is a statewide, multi–faith issue–advocacy organization that “puts faith into action” by educating, engaging and advocating on behalf of people of faith and the public regarding critical social, economic, and climate justice issues. KIFA (pronounced “KEE–fa”) supporters are shaped by the values of our diverse faiths, which connect us to an age–old concern for justice, peace, and human dignity. Rooted in faith, we join hands across difference to work for moral public policy in Kansas.

Be Antiracist

Part of living out our faith is a strong commitment to racial equity. St. Paul’s is committed to a holistic approach to antiracism. We are in it for the long haul. We are learning, listening, neighboring, and advocating through policy change to live into the truth of our welcome statement to celebrate the worth, dignity, and gifts of every person as a child of God. Here are some ways to practice racial justice as part of your faith journey.

Phone banking for voter engagement

Get involved with MORE2
While we are not an official congregation member, we are actively partnering with MORE2 – the Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity.

In 2020, we partnered with them to do Voter Engagement phone banking. Through the Clergy Caucus and monthly Issues2Action gatherings, we are working on local policy change. We are now looking at Medicaid Expansion, Safe & Welcoming Wyandotte, and Criminal Justice reform.

Scott Jesi Lora

LGBTQ+ Activism

St. Paul’s celebrates LGBTQ+ people at all levels of leadership in our congregation. We are actively engaged in policy change work within the denomination, as well as working for full inclusion locally in our communities. Members of St. Paul’s were part of organizing and advocating for Non-Discrimination Ordinances in Johnson County, KS to pass in the fall of 2019.

We partner with Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN), UMCNext, ResistHarm, and Wide is God’s Welcome KC to advocate for policy change within the denomination.