On this Mothers’ Day weekend, I give thanks for all the mothers who have made a positive impact in the lives of their families. I also recognize that for many, Mothers’ Day is a time of grief.
- You may grieve the loss of a mother or grandmother, especially a recent loss. God grieves with you.
- You may grieve never having the mother that you should have had. Some moms do not make a positive impact, and some moms we never knew. God grieves with you.
- You may grieve never having the opportunity to be a mother. God grieves with you.
Like almost any occasion, we will not all experience Mothers’ Day in the same way. Whatever your particular story, whatever your particular experience, I invite you to celebrate what can be celebrated and grieve what needs to be grieved, knowing that God walks beside you in joy and grief. We’ll walk beside each other, too, supporting and loving as we go.