Following Jesus Takes Practice

It’s that time of year again. Folks are talking about filling out their brackets. We moved our clocks ahead one hour. People are travelling to get in one last ski trip…or find a beach with wonderful warm sun. And eager tulips are waking up from a long winter’s nap....

Wish You Were Here…

Before Facebook helped us keep up with each other when we travelled or went on vacations, postcards were the way you shared your adventures with friends and family. Often, the sender would close with the words, “Wish you were here…” This Sunday, I’ll share with you...


Selah. If you read the Psalms, you might run into this word. It turns up there over 70 times. It is a Hebrew word, and while the exact meaning is unknown, it is thought to be a musical term that means to pause. Or reflect. I am not a musician. But I believe the term...

New life emerging

It snowed this week. Nothing stuck around for very long, but still. It snowed. This, after a week of weather so warm we broke out our short sleeved shirts and flip flops. The daffodils are so confused they don’t know what to do. In my front yard, they had already...