Witness to God’s Love

As of this writing, we have 34 flood relief kits in the gathering area ready to be shipped south for hurricane relief. In addition, you have contributed nearly $3,000 to UMCOR through St. Paul’s. That does not include those of you have given directly from UMCOR.org. I...

Invitation to healing

I invite you to help in healing this coming week. Below, you’ll see easy ways to give through UMCOR to hurricane relief. UMCOR is the single best way to give because 100% of your giving will go directly to relief work. Text the amount you’d like to...

Standing for Justice and Equality

Last Saturday I was embarrassed to be in a country where hate and bigotry still have such a strong foothold. On Sunday I was proud to be the pastor of a church that took to the Internet in such a powerful way to stand for justice and equality. You responded in worship...

Starting Over

Do you ever have one of those days where it seems like nothing goes right? You get to lunch time and say, “I just want a do over.” You know that we don’t get to do life over again. Yesterday is already in the books – it won’t come around again. But we can still get a...